Tools for DXers
WavViewDX is a tool to browse through your SDR recordings. It
provides highly specialized analysis features for trans-atlantic medium
wave DX (9 kHz and 10 kHz).
New: The algorithms for trans-atlantic medium wave DX have been ported to the shortwave bands.
For Perseus users:
- All modes support exact frequency measurement using reference carriers (e.g. from a GPSDO)
- Medium wave analysis support frequency calibration without reference carriers (accuracy about +/- 2Hz)
WavViewDX: Overview (left) and player right. The player offers AM and
SSB demodulation, as well as a very stable Sync-AM demodulatior and a
Sync-AM demodulator with manual center frequency setting, which can
help a lot on crowded channels.The Binaural modes help to relax the
ears and can give extra insight hidden in monaural mode. The neighbour
channel eliminator (NCE) tries to supress neighbouring channels.
The high-resolution carrier view gives every detail about
the carriers on a channel. This picture shows a carrier view with 0.1
Hz resolution in frequency ans 10s time resolution:
Get more fun out of shortwave using the 5 kHz channel analysis:
WavViewDX for Windows
Other operating systems could be supported on request. Please contact me!
If you like my tools for DXers, I would be happy to receive your message.
If you don't like my tools or if anything is missing, please don't hesitate to contact me.
If you don't like the look of this website, please accept my apologies. I don't like it either, but I can't do better.